Best products for power

vegetable salad for the power

Proper nutrition is the key to one's health. Food affects all systems and functions of the body in one way or another.

For example, men's strength depends on proper nutrition. If you often eat junk food, such as fast food, sandwiches, convenience foods, hot dogs, and so on, it will certainly affect your strength.

To maintain proper sex life for a long time, one must stop using harmful foods and supplement the daily diet with natural foods, which affects the increase in activity.

What kind of products we will now analyze.

Products for power

Sweet love drink

For good energy, you need to eat honey, walnuts, nuts and hazelnuts from time to time. A tablespoon of honey mixed with 100 grams of walnuts can very quickly improve a person's sexual activity. It is enough to take this delicacy one tablespoon a day before bed and after 4 days you will feel the effect.

If you do not like walnuts, for example, you can replace them with prunes (after washing them and removing the pits) or sunflower seeds.


It is a great product for strength, rich in protein and vitamins. Eggs are rich in cholesterol, which is essential as a building block for male sex hormones. With low cholesterol in the body the concentration begins to decrease, with high levels cholesterol is placed on the walls of blood vessels, as a result atherosclerosis or atherosclerosis can occur. That's why nutritionists around the world are actively discussing egg consumption. Some people say that the maximum value is two eggs once every 2 days, others that eggs can be eaten at least every day, as they contain substances that control the amount of cholesterol in the body.

Meat, fish and vegetable dishes

the girl feeds the guy with lips of power

Many women know that meat dishes have a very good effect on men's strength. Therefore, if you have problems with strength, you need to add more meat to your diet. In addition to meat, fish dishes do a great job with a bad erection. But in order for the fish to retain its positive properties, it must be served boiled.

Vegetables and men have a positive effect on sex. It is better to use them together with meat and fish dishes as a side dish. Turnip has a particularly good effect on strength, which unfortunately is not so popular with consumers right now.

People with erectile dysfunction are advised to eat more greens, which increases their libido. In addition to vegetables, St. John's wort, thyme, cumin, mint and dandelion increase sex drive.

Since ancient times, Slavar has used an excellent recipe to increase strength: 100 grams of veal, mixed with one onion and small beets. All filled with water and boiled for 20 minutes. Then add salt, parsley, dandelion, a little dill and red pepper. When the mixture boils, let it sit for 30 minutes.

Garlic and onions

These strength products improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, activate testosterone production, improve strength and serve as a preventive treatment against many urinary tract diseases. These foods are also rich in vitamins and selenium. It is because of these properties that onions and garlic were banned in monasteries.

Oysters and mussels

The infamous lady Casanova ate about 50 oysters for breakfast. This product has a high content of organic zinc, which is useful in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. To achieve maximum effect, oysters and mussels are consumed raw as significant amounts of nutrients are lost during their processing.

Celery and ginger

These two products for power have an amazing effect on men's health. Celery is useful for containing the male hormone andosterone, which is responsible for erections and secondary sexual characteristics. Celery and ginger contain all the necessary elements to increase strength and are a great prevention against prostate cancer.

Useless products

Our daily diet contains tons of unhealthy and harmful foods. For example, coke and coffee give a temporary stimulating effect. However, with their frequent use, blood vessels dilate and the load on the heart increases, as a result the risk of heart attack increases significantly.

Pasta and potatoes are also useless for strength. For strength, rye bread, which is rich in B vitamins, can be useful, white bread is useless.

Finally, I want to say that a healthy lifestyle, sports and special exercises are great prevention and a way to fight erectile dysfunction.